Automatically collect a security deposit from your, Vrbo (HomeAway) and direct booking guests.
Uplisting automatically processes a security deposit for guests, no matter which platform (optional) or how they paid for their reservation.
If a guest does not provide a security deposit (either a payment method is not provided, or the payment method doesn't have sufficient funds), they don't receive check-in instructions (you can override if you wish).
Each booking on Uplisting comes with a unique booking welcome page. You can link to this page on automated messages using a message tag (or send directly to your guest manually).
Guests can see a summary of their reservation and provide a security deposit, upload their identification (which is automatically verified), enter their real email address, and sign your rental agreement.
That’s right. We take 0% of your booking revenue. Just a low-cost flat fee per listing per month.
Uplisting just works, you won't need us much. But when you need help, we’re here for you. Usually within a few minutes.
Every Uplisting member, new or old, has the opportunity to invest in our business at any time. Our largest member investment is $100k!